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Research Module

Research Module

Research Module

Our research module focuses on capacity development and direct implementation. Depending on the needs of our clients, we guide how to execute planned research. Our recent research modules are Numerical Weather Prediction and OpenFoam Customization.

Numerical weather prediction

The objective of this project is to develop a numerical model (Global Climate Model) based on Navier- Stokes equation to predict planetary atmospheric changes to help counter the rapid change in climate during the recent years. It is more a research than a commercial project aimed at providing a humble help for a greater cause. Species transport in the Global Climate Models (GCM) will help predict carbon dioxide changes and help to isolate changes caused by anthropogenic emissions. The model does not predict oceanic changes but its effects are approximated for the simulation.

OpenFOAM Customiztion

OpenFoam (Open Field Operation and Manipulation) C++ toolbox for developing customized numerical solver (Program library) but it is known for being non-user friendly because of its text user interface (TUI) and lack of documentation. We are currently using OpenFOAM to solve HVAC related problems and we are on the process of expanding the scope to other sectors as well. The objective of this project is to develop a RANS (Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes) based compressible, high-mach flow CFD solver using OpenFOAM.

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