Welcome to Flowturb Solutions
The name FlowTurb was inspired by one of the most complex and fascinating physical phenomenon, fluid turbulence. Fluid plays an important part in our everyday endeavors more than we have ever realized. We have adapted our selves so well to our environment that we do not realize, we are living in an ocean of air.. From complex supersonic flows over space crafts to simple flow inside a conduit, fluid plays an vital part in every field ofengineering. Understanding fluid behavior would be the key in to understand any mechanism/system that is related to it.
Flowturb provides assistance to industries in understanding this complex behavior of fluids using state of the art research tools like Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis. With over a decade of experience in CFD application & development, we can solve the most challenging flow problem with ease.
From complex supersonic flows over space crafts to simple flow inside a
Meet the team
Mr.Joeboy S - Managing Director
A marine expert with over 35 years of experi- ence in design and fabrication of marine vessels. He has successfully designed and built a number of marine vessels including high speed boats, trawlers and pleasure boats.
Irfan Ali - Director - Middle East & Africa
Irfan is a Director and Partner of Flowturb Solutions - UAE office. He is a certified Professional Engineer and has 20+ years of experience in the field of Mechanical Engineering, with significant experience in Fire Safety, HVAC and CFD domains. His hands on consulting / contracting experience in UAE provides us clear insight on the critical issues faced by clients in this region and helps us provide practical engineered solutions. He is fully conversant with the latest local and international codes and standards. Also as an accredited Member of IFE, UK, Irfan keeps himself up to date with industry trends in Fire Safety and ensures compliance in relevant projects.
Antony Rozario. V - Director-CFD Operations
A gifted CFD engineer and developer with over a decade of experience in solving engi- neering problems. His expertise ranges from the field of turbo machineries to HVAC Appli- cation. Mr. Antony was the key person in the development of FlowTRAM Solver (CFD Solver specifically developed to solve HVAC flow problems). He has also published papers validating the accuracy of CFD Codes against experimental results.
Dr. Michael N Kumnar - Director-CFD Research & Development
One of the foremost expert in the field of Computational Modelling of Internal Combus- tion engines. He is one of the few people with over 3 decades of expertise in the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics. He has published number of technical papers on CFD and made a substantial contribution to the field.